That's Wilder's greatest early skill! Perhaps some day this will change to mathematics, auto mechanic, or taking a wicked slap-shot from the blue line. For now we'll take sleeping. During the past 3 weeks or so he's shown an amazing ability to go down for 5-7 hours at a time during the night. I know, we're beyond ubeleivably lucky. Even as I write this he's sacked out in the Baby Bjorn.
That's the biggest news of the past month. Eating, sleeping, growing. He's grown an inch since birth and I'd peg him unofficialy at 11lbs. He flashes little proto smiles at times and is starting to drool. All good signs!
Here's some props to all you visitors out there. As always there are more pics on the Picasa site.

Grandpa B.

4 generations

Auntie & Unca-a-Dunk Schmidt

Watching a sleeping baby takes its toll

Grandma Schwarting

Grandma & Grandpa Schwarting

Angie's work crew

Tiff & Henry Cork

Amber Haselman from the big D.


You won't be needing that

1st walk around town