Well, it's been a quiet couple of months in Lake Wobegon, my hometown. Winter seemed to drag on and on and we fell into the warm embrace of home and solitude. The next thing you know it's May and it's beautiful. The birds are singing. Leaves are leafing. Flowers are well, you know. So it's time to get out...out of the house and out of our ruts and experience spring. Not that the work and book reading and beer brewing that's occupied our time in late winter into spring weren't satisfying, they just weren't very noteworthy.
What has been noteworthy has been of course Wilder's progress. He's walking, running, and dancing. He has 3 distinguishable words amongst his toddler vocabulary: mama, dada, and his favorite food nana (banana). He eats with his spoon, until it just isn't fast enough then it's back to grabbing and stuffing. I also like to think that he's stacking blocks at 2 year old + level! (see below video for current sample of additional physical skills)
So here's to spring, coming out again, and the summer to come.