Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lanky but Macho

Lanky at 23-1/4" (60th percentile) and 11lbs 4 oz (40th) for 2-months.

Macho by dealing with his first cold like a man. Rock on.


Team Bartz said...

when do we get to come visit that cutie patootie! how are you all doing? by the way, hope you got the little package i sent. also, i found a card i had 'sent' you after wilder was born...but apparently i never had actually put it IN the mailbox...cause it was under my couch. weird.
hope life is all good.

Ariel said...

just discovered your blog from a link on laura and verge's. wilder is adorable! i'll see you soon, angie. hope you have/had a great time with your parents.

Subterranean Terrier said...

By the time I see anymore photos of this baby he'll be a toddler...pleeaase post more! We're "dyin'" over here!
LT, V and the Tiny T