Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some Winter Fun and Some Winter Not so Fun

We're pretty well settled in for the remainder of winter here. Only six more weeks right? I think groundhog's day is right around the corner... Anyway, we've been doing our best to get outside whenever possible, which doesn't seem all that often given the averageness (i.e., normal temps) of this winter.

Since the holiday break we've had a few highs and lows. Highs include: increased Wilder strength/mobility (ranges quickly between rooms, kicks balls, intermediate stair climber, etc); more talking (I swear every once in awhile he says Ma-Ma and/or Da-Da and actually means it); and he moved up to the next car seat size. We were also able to visit Angie's brother (Jeremy), sister in law (Mandi), of course their son Luka last weekend in Austin (MN). Good times were had by all: Wilder and Luka had play time, Angie and Mandi got in a yoga session, Jeremy got some time with the boys, and I got out for a ski at awesome (not being sarcastic here) Forestville State Park ( To cap it off, we met Angie's folks at the Owatonna Holiday Inn (where they were attending a conference) for some time at the waterpark. After some initial shell shock (the place was absolutely packed with kids!) Wilder had a bunch of fun splashing in the water. I'm getting pretty excited for White Bear Lake beach days next summer.

Of course, what comes up must come down. Like domino's, this past week we all came down with the stomach flu. We've been trying to pick up the pieces since. First Wilder, then Angie, then me. On Wednesday I was at a meeting and joked with a friend how it would be as it would strike at like 3:00 AM. I was sooo wrong. It came at 7:30. We're pretty much back on track now. However, Wilder had been acting inexplicably squirrely for the last 3 days until Angie checked his mouth and found that he's breaking 3 more molars in simultaneously. Poor guy's mouth must be really bugging him.

Well, here's to the rest of winter and may this be the last of the really brutal cold snaps (current temp = -6, forecasted low = -15).
No really, I don't want to go outside
ok, it's getting better
now that was fun
Splashing at the waterpark!

Thanks grandma & grandpa for taking us to the waterpark!
If I'm stuck inside I might as well have some fun with Mom
The world is a completely different place through the Tupperware lens

There are too many captions for this one:
  1. You can watch as much Barak Obama as you want!
  2. Now you know where you were on that historic day
  3. The president now speaks in complete sentences so this is educational TV
  4. Nothing soothes the troubled child as the smooth delivery of Barak Obama

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